Country profile

September 19

In order to start with our project this semester, look for information about the country you're going to work on and take into account the following questions, are there other questions you would like to add to the list? if there are, write them down in comments.

Name of the country


How many people live there?
Is it crowded? Quiet? Busy?

Where is it located?
What’s its capital?

Are there mountains, hills, forests, lakes, rivers, beaches?
What is its landscape like?

What is its weather like?
Is it cold, cool, warm, hot, windy, sunny, snowy, rainy?
Tourist attractions

Is the country famous?
Are there any famous sights, places, buildings, museums?


What kind of food do people eat in this country?
What is its typical food?

What kind of music do people listen?
Who are the most famous singers in the country?

What are the main sports practiced by people?

What do people celebrate?
How do people celebrate?

What kind of art does the country have?
Who are the main artists?

What do people wear?
Is fashion important there?
Do they have national costume?

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